Inspiration from Aunt Bonzo

Aunt Bonzo made the most delicious bottled dishes using vegetables from her allotment garden. She has inspired us to produce the wholesome Bonzo Classic and Bonzo Vegan dishes. 

Aunt Bonzo was a colourful lady with a prolific allotment garden. Here, she grew vegetables and we used to enjoy the dishes she made. She would often give us bottled dishes to take home – in that way, we always had healthy and tasty food available. Bonzo’s tasty casseroles are inspired by proud cooking traditions – and many of them are made from old recipes that have been passed on through the family.

Classic technique

Bonzo casseroles are made using the bottling method. We cook the dishes in open saucepans, just like at home, using the best ingredients available from our European suppliers. The food is then put into airtight jars and sterilised using steam – a classic and simple method that totally avoids the use of preservatives. 

Bottling is an old and tested method used for generations. The technique means that the dishes will keep for a long time, even years, without the use of preservatives.
The jars with bottled food take us back to a time when keeping qualities, high quality, traditional and natural flavours as well as quality ingredients played a central part. Each Bonzo jar is a jar filled with love. 

Read more under Bonzo Vegan and Bonzo Classic.

Bonzo Wineyard

Norsminde wines
The first vintage of our excellent sparkling wines from the village of Norsminde, south of Aarhus, was harvested in 2012. We produce the wines on a main stock of Solaris and Frühburgunder grapes and we have now reached a level where the wines are comparable with the best sparkling wines from the Champagne district. 

EU wines
The Bonzo Wineyard was conceived when we discovered that some of our valued suppliers also grew and produced wines – excellent country wines – perfectly complementing the Bonzo casseroles and grown on the same types of soil.
So, we buy wines directly from the wine grower to be enjoyed by our Bonzo customers – directly from soil to table – so that we can offer fabulous country wines at reasonable prices. We have composed a selection ensuring that there will always be a grape variety to complement your preferred Bonzo dish – or enjoyed in pleasant company as it is. Enjoy! 

Read more under Norsminde wines and EU wines.

Jørn Senger, founder of Bonzo


Bonzo Classic and Bonzo Vegan are classic simmer dishes that celebrate tradition and live up to the modern individual's need of convenience at the same time.
The handmade dishes are rich in taste and made from quality produces with no use of food additives, E-numbers or any sort of preservation - natural products created with great culinary skills the whole way through! Bonzo is the real deal! 


Aubergines are full of goodness – even their skins. They are packed with antocyanins where especially nasunin is interesting, as it helps the body rid itself of excess iron.

This vegetable has a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels and it is also good for the skin, hair, and energy levels. The vitamins and minerals in aubergines are best released in casseroles, which is why Bonzo has selected aubergines as standard ingredient in their vegan meals.


Tomatoes are good for you – extremely good! Especially when heated with a small quantity of fat (required to activate and assimilate lycopene from the tomato). Lycopene, an antioxidant, is one of many colourful carotene pigments and it gives the tomato its red colour.

Tomatoes protect against coronary thrombosis and certain types of cancer and, as an added bonus, the juicy vegetable even keeps your skin looking young. Besides lycopene, tomatoes contain vitamin E, beta-carotene, and vitamin C, which boosts the immune response.


There are endless varieties of mushrooms and many are edible. They contain a number of nutrients that benefit your body, including iron, fibres, zinc, essential amino acids, and especially vitamin D and minerals.

Mushrooms contain only few calories and are full of healthy vegetable proteins. This will quickly give you a healthy sense of feeling full.


Peppers – that’s about as healthy as it gets. Low-calorie and packed with impressive amounts of health-promoting substances, including capsaicin, which contains anti-bacterial properties and boosts your immune response.

Peppers are jam-packed with goodness and flavour. Used as flavour enhancers in casseroles, they add sheer goodness to the meal.


White beans are a super source of potassium, central to every single heartbeat. If your diet is deficient in potassium, research points to increased risks of high blood pressure and extra heartbeats.

Nutritionally, white beans score higher than brown beans, as their protein content is 15-20 percent higher. Beans should be prepared carefully and are therefore optimal in casseroles like Bonzo’s where they are prepared with great care.


Onions deserve the status of enhancing superfood and should be central in your meals – at best on a daily basis but, as a minimum, several times a week. In more ways than one, onions add pith and zest to your meals.

Onions get their fresh edge from the essential oils which are also highly nutritional. They are crammed with antioxidants and help combat allergies, strengthen your heart, and help protecting your digestive system – an absolute must!


Bonzo - BONZO ApS // 3140 Ålsgårde, Denmark
E-mail: info@bonzo.dk // Phone: +45 20 20 27 22
CVR-nr.: 31852242